Making a pinch pot is a hand-building clay technique that can be done at home.

Creating a pinch pot is good for all levels of artistic abilities. Even children can make a pinch pot. 

"Honestly I can't draw,” clay artist Kim Rising said. “So I never thought I was creative. It wasn't until I was about 32 that a friend handed me a lump of clay and she said play with this, and she was a clay artist and she was doing incredible work. It's the best gift anyone has given me."

A pinch pot is one of the most basic clay techniques. It's one of the first things that you learn when you learn clay.

Welcome back to our "How to" video series. In this episode, join us as we learn how to make a pinch pot.

"We all have these skills,” Rising said. “We tend to think that we aren't artistic or creative and we really are. If you've ever made a pie crust, you've pinched your pie crust, and you make that little fluted edge. You can use that technique for your pinch pot.” 

Rising explained that we would use clay that needed to be dried then fired in a kiln, however if a kiln isn’t available there are other options. Rising suggested using Crayola air-dry clay for children. She also mentioned some clay can be fired in your oven at a low-temperature. 

Before starting 

Before you get started, you will need clay, tools and water to remoisten your clay. For the tools, you can go to art stores or use things that you may already have. Anything will work to help you create a design, such as pencils, the tip of a paint brush, spoons and spatulas.

How to make a pinch pot  

Step one: Work the clay with your hands and make a ball out of the clay.

Step two: Stick your thumb into the center of the ball. With one thumb, drive it down to make it hollow. Continue working until you have a pot shape. 

Note: Usually with ceramics you want consistency, so be consistent with the wall of your pot, cup or bowl. The goal is to be the same thickness throughout. This is a little easier to achieve on a wheel. 

Step three: If you are happy with where you are then you can start using tools. Use the tools listed above to create designs.

Step four: Put the pot in a lukewarm, 70 degree room, and let it dry.

Step five: Fire it in the kiln. 

Note: If you do not have a kiln, you can use air-dry clay. Also, there is low-heat firing clay that you can fire in your oven at home. 

Step six: Paint the pinch pot. 

"As a therapist and after practicing a lot of techniques with people,” Rising said. “I think art is the technique for helping with everything, not just for helping you process, but also it's a form of expression. A form of having your voice, and it's so powerful now, more than any time ever in history."

Rising said she also focuses on teaching relaxation and enjoyment in her classes while working on artwork. 

"I humbly say that art is therapeutic and it is very healing,” Rising said. “There's just something about making something. That is hope. So I'm making something because I trust that I can finish it. That's hope, that's what hope is about. Art is hope in practice."

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