There is an effort by the media (the left-leaning mainstream media) warning the populace about the threat of “Christian nationalism.” It’s dangerous, a threat to democracy, you must beware.

So, what is this all about? It is actually quite simple. Our founding fathers, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, made it very clear. Rights come from God, your inalienable rights. Not from man, but from God.

What many people forget is that our Constitution does not exist to control people, it is designed to control government. Meaning, it is the rule book for what government cannot do (to you.) You have rights, the government works for you, not the other way around.

It is so sad how many people either forget this or are unaware of it. Problem is, if you are an atheist, marxist, or fascist, you put your faith in government (man) and rely on it to “determine” what your rights are. (Good luck with that.)

I can argue that the entire schism in this country (Biden versus Trump, marxism/socialism versus freedom/capitalism) is driven by this straightforward argument, where do your rights come from?

Should your neighbor tell you what your rights are? Do they get to decide? Humans are not capable of deciding your rights, history has proven that. But, the media is working overtime to attack those who believe that our rights are God given, and not at the whim of government.

I always argue on the side of smaller government, and this is why. Give this some thought and hopefully it will guide you when you are making your decisions as to who to vote for.

Stewart Meyer


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