So, Donald Trump is a threat to democracy? Well, must be, as that is all you hear from the Democrats and their mouthpieces in the media. OK, who tries to jail their political opponents and supporters? That would be the Democrats; Trump never did. Who tries to keep their opponents from being on a ballot? That would be Democrats; Trump never did. Who uses prosecutors and judges to launch “lawfare” attacks on their opponents? That would be Democrats; Trump never did. So, who is the real threat to Democracy? It is darkly humorous to listen to the MSNBC and CNN fools as they accuse Trump of what he will do, but never did as president for four years, and still ignore what the Democrats are actually doing.

Let’s keep going. Who ignores the Supreme Court? That would be President Joe Biden; Trump never did. Who fails to enforce our nations laws? That would be Biden; Trump never did. Who let’s Chinese spy balloons gather intelligence over our country? That would be Biden; Trump never did. Who lets in terrorists and military-age Chinese nationals through our southern border? That would be Biden; Trump never did. Let’s blame Republicans in the House for shooting down a bill that makes illegal immigration worse, not better. (Please read the bill.)

Let’s prosecute Trump for having documents, just as Bush, Obama and a host of other government officials have done — even Biden, but only Trump is being prosecuted because he’s special. Let’s prosecute Trump for doing real estate business in New York, doing nothing wrong and the same as all other developers do, but wait, he is special.

The biggest insult to this country is prosecuting Trump for questioning the 2020 election results. There is a 10 minute video on the omtermet of Democrats denying election results, the most hilarious was Hillary saying that 2016 was stolen and the Russians helped. Why are she and all those other Democrats not being prosecuted for questioning an election?

Democrats do it all the time. They even take over federal buildings with protests, break laws by protesting outside judges homes, riot, burn, loot, but heaven forbid, we cannot prosecute them, only Trump and his supporters.

So, who is the real threat to democracy? I can assure you, based on all available evidence, it is not Donald Trump, love or hate his policies, he is not the threat.

Wake up already.

Stewart Meyer


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