Letters to the editor-2021

On behalf of the Aiken Women's Heart Board, I thank the Aiken Community for supporting our 2023 Winter Benefit, "Home Is Where the Heart Is." I am pleased to announce that we were able to donate $100,123.69 to the American Heart Association. As a result of the generosity of our fantastic community, this brings our total contribution over the last 55 years to over $2.6 million.

I also thank our fabulous director, Jim Moore, and longtime assistant director, Agnes Hobson, for another excellent show. In addition, I would also like to recognize our talented cast and band, who volunteered their time and talents and spent many hours rehearsing. I also thank our amazing set construction crew, led by Duane Berning. This year’s set was truly magnificent. Finally, I thank the sound and lighting crew for their countless hours dedicated to our Winter Benefit and the Etherredge Center staff. Every year, Jim invites a special guest star to perform for our benefit. This year we were honored to have Aiken City Council member Gail Diggs fulfill that role. I must say, she is a natural on the stage and an absolute delight.

I thank the business community who supported our show through donations and purchasing program ads. Also, thank you to media outlets for your assistance with promoting our Winter Benefit, including multiple community calendars, WRDW Morning Mix and the Aiken Standard.

On behalf of the Aiken Women's Heart Board, I extend an invitation to attend our encore performance of "Yesterday Once More," to be performed at the Etherredge Center at USCA on Sept. 19 and 20, 2023.

In closing, sharing with the community the talents of everyone involved in producing our Winter Benefit is an honor. Together, we raise funds for research and development towards fighting against heart disease and stroke. I am eternally grateful to the Aiken community for supporting our mission.

Traci Shaffer

2023 benefit chairperson

Aiken Women's Heart Board

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